Thursday, February 3, 2011

Let It Snow

Working downtown in a small Midwest town was a great choice for me. I still don't take for granted the feeling of being part of something. 

I have been working at this same building for about ten years.  I don't dare calculate the actual number.  Its been here a long time, by American standards at least.  It will be here long after I'm gone.  I wonder who else stood here staring out wondering who will be next?

Although its been cold, the temperature rose to the point where just a coat and gloves was comfortable for walking around. The air felt brisk and clean, the sky was overcast. This dulled the cityscape but also blended it together. It felt like a friend.  The streets were busy; shoppers, store keepers, delivery people, couples looking for a place to eat.

The snow has been great.  Its an authority that can trump any plan or good intention.  It weilds its power with firm but cautious restraint.  And a smile.

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