Thursday, July 23, 2009

On Our Way

We are waiting here at Frankfurt … seven hour layover. This terminal is really spread out. Since we are doing a transfer there is no central area, just lots of gates, few seats and less to do. There is virtually no information on the little airline known as Montenegro Airlines and with one flight a day, it basically doesn’t exist here.

I can’t say I’m excited about going… in many ways it’s just one of the infinite things I’m meant to do. However there is this sense of peace about going there and I am looking forward to it.


Got my first taste of the “Balkan” way. It’s that mix of frustration, annoyance and awe. Every culture has its own version; some probably even have names for it. When I see people not cueing up properly, or talking too loud or any other of the annoying habits, I think, I’ve arrived, time to see how to make lemonade out of these sour lemons.

We are stuck on the plane, first waiting for late passengers, then after missing our take off slot, delayed another hour sitting on the tarmac. It was very hot, very cramped, two cranky kids, everyone speaking all forms of Babylonian. Its not quite like being in the third world, but I think its as close as you can get on a modern aircraft.

One woman came in very late, saying Sh@#%t this and Sh@#%t that all the way down the aisle. Then she finished up with a Mo%$# Fu@#%en. Ending in an “EN” makes it classic. She is no longer at her seat, not sure what that means, but we got people walking around with babies, kids going up and down, some infant screaming all the way to the back, right next to me and some big guy that surprisingly slept through it. I’m just waiting for the old lady with the caged rooster to walk down the aisle, all four beady eyes staring at me.

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